Synopsis According to the cover note of the manga volume 10, the second season of Mitsudomoe was announced. The information has already been leaked by animator Kubo Satoshi on August 31st. Kubo said it will start in January 2011.
Episodes: 8
Aired: Jan 2011 to ? Producers: Bridge, Lantis Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Cowa! Mnaga 1 I had a literature professor who once said that authorial intent is as useful in understanding literature as reading pig entrails is in understanding the future. As a totally shallow demonstration of why this is a truism, take Cowa!: Akira Toriyama writes that he wanted to make a straightforward storybook starring a “totally unlovable grumpy guy.” And yet his action instincts continually get the better of him—staging some decidedly un-storybook fights—and Makoleen is one of the most likeable grumpy guys ever. Not that either is a problem. Quite the contrary. Makoleen's character elevates what might have been a simple children's adventure to a gentle fable about acceptance and understanding, and since when was whaling on punks anything but an advantage?