Synopsis According to the cover note of the manga volume 10, the second season of Mitsudomoe was announced. The information has already been leaked by animator Kubo Satoshi on August 31st. Kubo said it will start in January 2011.
Episodes: 8
Aired: Jan 2011 to ? Producers: Bridge, Lantis Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Cowa! Mnaga 1 Toriyama's offbeat humor, even dampened by the restrictions of children's stories (no running poop jokes or recurrent panty humor here), is a natural draw. The monsters' reversals of normal human behavior—in particular a scary game of “angel tag”—are always good for a chuckle, and chapters are as likely to end on a silly gag as they are on a cliffhanger. And for a while, that's the only draw the book has. The plot is simplicity itself—a straightforward road trip—and at times approaches haphazardness in its habit of tossing random obstacles into its protagonists' path. But then the bond between Makoleen and his monstrous little charges begins to develop and a curious thing happens: the story grows a heart.