Kara no Kyoukai is a Japanese novel series, authored by Kinoko Nasu and illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi, which is being adapted into an ongoing anime movie series, divided into seven chapters. Each of the theme songs to the series are performed by Kalafina, a band formed by goddess/composer Yuki Kajiura in 2007. Fairytale is the theme for the sixth film, called Boukyaku Rokuon (Oblivion Recorder) that premiered December the 20th in Japan. You can download the full ED single here.
1. fairytale
2. serenato
3. sprinters ~Instrumental~
9/10 Fairytale is a beautiful Kajiuran ballad, and it is my favorite Kalafina song yet. It sounds much more like her FictionJunction songs which I really loved, especially FictionJunction Yuuka. Each new Yuki Kajiura song is a real treat, so I'm really happy that she works so hard and releases so much music... I think I might do a piano cover for this song, I love it so much!
Check out the awesome mysterious and mystic music video for fairytale:
Check out the awesome mysterious and mystic music video for fairytale:
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→Kara no Kyoukai 6 ED Single - Fairytale by Kalafina
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